Streamline Documentation of Services and Reports
for Aboriginal Students

On-Demand Webinar

Watch On-Demand Webinar

The BC Ministry of Education provides enhanced funding to school age students of Indigenous ancestry. This funding provides culturally-appropriate educational programs and services to support the success of Aboriginal students. School districts report students participating in Indigenous education programs and services. The Aboriginal “How Are We Doing?” report provides Aboriginal Performance Data to monitor the performance of Aboriginal students in the BC public school system.

In this webinar, Dr. Steve Weatherbee identified how to streamline documentation of services provided to Aboriginal students and automate summary reports of services provided to Aboriginal students by school and by band. How you can instantly generate detailed reports of services received by each student and identify students who have not received services per month to ensure oversight and accountability.

Efficient document of services provided to Aboriginal students in the following categories:

  • Contacts Made – parent/guardian, outside agency, band, Ab Ed counsellor, and home visit
  • Social and Emotional – emotional support, healing circles, behavioural support, student achievements/success, relationship building
  • Culture – drumming, language, sweats, arts, talking circles, cultural events, traditional teachings, and dance
  • Academic – tutorial, careers, classroom, and learning journal
  • Additional Areas of Service – social/emotional, culture, academic, food, and transportation needs

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Webinar Presenter


Dr. Steve Weatherbee: Product Development Consultant, Paradigm Shift Achievement Plus

Dr. Weatherbee is the CEO of eINSIGHT and works with school districts across North America to implement modern web-based data collection and reporting strategies. He has spent decades working in education as a teacher, department head, vice-principal, and principal in both elementary and secondary schools.