Drug Court Screening & Assessment Software
The eINSIGHT platform offers the ultimate in speed, versatility, and accuracy for drug court assessments, decision making, and program success.

Improve Client Outcomes - One Case at a Time
Drug courts rely on effective assessments to determine the eligibility of potential candidates for rehabilitation programs. But identifying the right candidates is challenging without a streamlined test—and tracking individual and population outcomes is nearly impossible.
eINSIGHT can improve your ability to identify ideal candidates thanks to its streamlined approach to substance abuse and mental health assessment, targeted treatment planning, monitoring client progress, and reporting on program effectiveness.
Rapid and Accurate Client Assessment
Drug Court clinical staff need to effectively navigate complex addiction cases by relying on validated assessments, real-time analysis of results that inform triage, current criminogenic risk, and other key functional domains that help you determine the type and intensity of services they require.
Whether it’s the gold standard Drug Use Screening Inventory (DUSI) or your preferred assessment, you can choose from 30+ pre-loaded assessments to rapidly and accurately identify needs and quantify severity. Store and access client results on a secure platform that is accessible from any web-enabled device.

Target Treatment and Coordinate Care
Ensuring that clients receive the right treatment is a challenge that many drug courts and clinicians experience. And monitoring how a client is progressing is even harder.
Care coordinators can objectively determine the level of care required and develop targeted treatment plans based on the client’s unique configuration of strengths and needs. Frontline and admin staff can access client data across programs, facilities, providers and regions.
Quantify Client Response to Treatment
Quantifying each client’s response to treatment is critical for client engagement and updating their treatment plan based on the client’s priorities. Organizations often struggle with limited resources to effectively manage post-treatment aftercare to ensure clients sustain their treatment gains.
Individual client responses to treatment can be monitored within and across programs. Clinicians can achieve greater accountability by ensuring client’s sustain treatment gains and improve long term client outcomes.

Demonstrate Program Effectiveness
Organizations struggle with evaluating program effectiveness in real-time. Gone are the days of costly, after the fact, external evaluations that do little to inform decisions when they are needed most.
eINSIGHT offers a visual experience that is easy to work with so that your population health outcomes can be reported across clinicians, programs, facilities, regions and more to evaluate program effectiveness so you can demonstrate the impact of your programs to the county, state, or funder.
Request a Free 30 minute Demo
Every organization has its own unique needs and challenges.
Book a 30 minute custom demo so we can show you how similar organizations are benefiting from eINSIGHT.


Keep Your Client Data Protected
The eINSIGHT platform is HIPAA compliant with ultra-secure column-level encryption providing your organization with ‘Safe Harbor’ status.

Get Up & Running in Days
Rapidly deploy using a platform fully-configurable to your organization’s unique needs—with or without EHR integration.

Reduce Expenditures
Adopt a complete turn-key solution with an end user help desk that eliminates the need for in-house IT or other third-party solutions providers.
Download Solution Sheet
Download a solution sheet PDF for more information.