Coordinate Care with eINSIGHT
Behavioral Health Data Solutions.
Streamline client assessment, develop targeted treatment plans, monitor client response to treatment, collaborate with partner providers, and seamlessly access data from multiple providers/EHRs.
eINSIGHT Solutions
Rapidly and accurately assess clients, target and monitor treatment progress, and improve care coordination with real-time reporting. Learn more.
Break down the silos of disparate client data. Improve connectivity using HL7-FIHR standards to decrease costs and increase efficiency. Learn more.
The gold standard in validated addictions and mental health screening and assessment.
Get assistance with strategic technical planning, behavioral health program evaluation, clinical training and more. Learn more.
Whether someone experiences substance abuse or other mental health conditions, one thing remains constant — successful client outcomes require access to essential social services and coordinated care.
Our platform leverages enhanced assessment functionality, guided treatment planning, customizable reporting, a comprehensive dashboard that visualizes key client metrics, and can integrate with your existing EHRs with ease. Learn more about the advantages of eINSIGHT.

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Every organization has its own unique needs and challenges.
Book a 30 minute custom demo so we can show you how similar organizations are benefiting from eINSIGHT.